our team


Founder & chairman Andy chen

Son, husband, father,
entrepreneur, executive, techie,
member of human society, and intrepid explorer of life

Doctor of Philosophy, Finance and Economics, Columbia University - Graduate School of Business

Master of Engineering, Operations Research & Industrial Engineering, Cornell University - College of Engineering

Master of Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Cornell University - College of Engineering

Cogito, ergo sum
(I think, therefore I am)
- Rene Descartes

“With the huge impact wrought by explosive technological change on individuals and society, rediscovering our humanity and exploring life’s wonders is the lesson of our generation, as well as the source of humanity’s legacy, innovation, and sustained development.

Through education, we hope to help each child find their own ways to contribute to society and discover the unique spark within each of them.”



Daughter, wife, mother,
practicing storyteller, Montessori lifestyle learner,
inner change seeker

Bachelor of Science, Accounting Information Systems, University of Southern California – Leventhal School of Accounting

Studying Master of Arts, Spiritual Psychology, Teachers College Columbia University – Spirituality Mind Body Institute

AMI Diploma, Assistants to Infancy from Birth to Three Years of Age

“Change, as with everything else, must begin first with ourselves.”


COO Diane Teng

NPO operations, Family education, Relationship management

Master of Arts, FuJen Catholic University - Department of Child and Family Studies

“Education is a series of lives impacting lives. To be at the side of my children discovering their own abilities, is also a profound and priceless journey to finding my own value and contribution. I am grateful that my life and work can be so inextricably linked.”


MARketing Manager Peiyi lee

Marketing strategy, Arts and cultural promotion

“Education, whether it be at home or at school, establishes the framework for how we perceive and interact with the world, other people, and different situations. Education offers the world possibilities beyond our imagination. I strive toward a better tomorrow through education!”


Project Manager Halley liao

Communicator and coordinator with a broadcaster’s voice

Master of Business Administration, University of Bath 

“Education changes the way we think, offering fresh and new perspectives. Education lends to the rediscovery of myself, while casting new light upon the world around me. The hope is that diversity in education will allow everyone the chance to rediscover themselves.”


Administrative Assistant janie liu

Early childhood education and activity planning
NPO planning and coordination

Bachelor of Arts, FuJen Catholic University - Department of Child and Family Studies

“By expanding my own expertise in early childhood education to adolescents, parenting, and elderly care, we build upon the very essence of humanity and individual developmental needs. It is my hope that every person may live with love and respect on the search for life’s true purpose. Be the blessing to others.”